The First Piece Of Open Water Diving Equipment

Your First Piece Of Equipment For Open Water Diving

One of the first things that you will want to buy for scuba diving is a mask.  No, it really is.  The masks that you use for the open water diving course are normally good quality and fit the majority of people but your instructor will explain the benefits of owning your own equipment and suggest that a diving mask is a great first step.

A diver getting ready to practise skills
Getting a good-fitting mask is great for your open-water diving

Buying Your Own Mask For Diving

Why should you buy your own mask for your open-water diving?  Buying a mask that fits you properly means it is more comfortable, and will not leak water inside, fog up, etc making your Koh Tao diving less stressful, particularly on your open water diving course, and will make your future scuba diving more enjoyable.  And you will know exactly where it has been and how it has been looked after before you stick it on your face.

Open water diving is easy of you have a great fitting mask
Getting your own mask is a great first step

Getting The Right Fit Is The Most Important

Getting the right fit is the most important for any equipment that you buy so you should try a few different masks and see which ones fit you and then look at the cost and your budget.  Sometimes a cheap mask could fit you better than an expensive one.

Make Sure Your Mask Fits

How do you know it fits?  Without using the mask strap, tilt your head back and let the mask sit on your face.  Using your fingers to feel around the edge of the silicone skirt, there should be no gaps where it touches your skin.  Breathe in a little through your nose and without using your hands to hold the mask in place lean forward until you are facing the floor.  The suction should hold it in place if there are any gaps the mask will fall off so be ready to catch it.  If it does try another until you find one that sticks to your face.

A Koh Tao diving school
An open water diver on Koh Tao

Wash Your Mask In Freshwater After Scuba Diving

The prices range from 25 Euros to 80 Euros and more but if you take care of it a good mask will last you years so it does make a great investment.  Wash it in freshwater after scuba diving, and let it dry properly before putting it away to prevent any mold from growing.  Keep it in its box to prevent it from being squashed or damaging the silicone.  Do not forget to read the instructions too, I know it is only a mask but it does often say to keep away from naked flames and avoid sudden impacts like falling face-first into the water.  Common sense right?

Getting your diving certification on Koh Tao is easy
A group of divers on the open water course

Previously masks used to be only available in black or clear silicone but now manufacturers are producing masks in different colors with matching snorkels.  Pinks, yellow, red, bright blue etc.  Now the hardest part is choosing which color!  And the choice of colors is getting longer and longer.


Do you want to know more about open water diving or our diving school Koh Tao or the best Koh Tao dive sites? Please feel free to contact us!

Koh Tao is great diving but also has amazing scenery
Koh Nangyuan

How Do I Sign Up For Open Water Diving?

If you are interested in Koh Tao diving contact us or you can find out more about the diving we offer by clicking on the links below or follow us on Facebook or Instagram

Want To Know More About Koh Tao Diving?

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Time for a buddy check for the open water course dive 3
Two divers getting ready

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